Fall 2015

 Reservations are required for all courses. Reserve your spot now by clicking on the REGISTER button below each class description. Act now, before your class fills up!

2015 Fall Schedule

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Double Header: Education, Healthcare, Monopoly & other Games of 2015
Sycamore Township Trustee Room
8540 Kenwood Road
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 7:00 -8:30 p.m.

Empower U begins their Fall schedule with a Double Header!!

Statehouse Liaison and Policy Analyst at Buckeye Institute, Greg Lawson and Secretary of State, Jon Husted come together for this educational session.

Greg Lawson will discuss some of the major principles that Ohio policymakers must keep in mind if they are to help return Ohio to its previous position of economic greatness. 

He will speak on major policy sections of the state budget including: education, healthcare and tax reform. 

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted will speak about what voters in Ohio will be deciding upon in the 2015 ballot.  The Secretary will explain the confusion regarding Issue #2 and Issue #3 and the monopoly issues that will exist if Marijuana legislation passes.  Voter integrity issues will also be discussed. Learn why the Secretary of State was recently recognized by the Association of the United States Army and Ohio was deemed an All-Star State by the Military Voter Protection Project. 

Make sure that you know the issues so that you can make this election a more run!

Greg Laweson


Jon Husted


Lunch & Learn: Cincinnati and The Prohibition Period
Cincinnati Museum Center, Reakirt Auditorium
1301 Western Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45203

Monday, September 21, 2015 Noon-1:00 PM

Find out how the Temperance Movement and theAnti-Saloon League pushed through the 18th Amendment, which prohibited the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor in the United States.
Find out why the new law was impossible to enforce and how bootleggers such as George Remus and organized crime flourished over the 10 years that the law was in effect.
Learn how the consequences of Prohibition affect our society today!
These lectures are free and open to the public. You’re welcome to bring your own lunch or purchase lunch in the Gateway Cafe in the Rotunda, Featuring a new menu. We encourage you to reserve for the class. All lectures take place from noon-1 p.m.




Ancient Hatred: Sunnis VS. Shiites—The Never Ending War
Ronald Regan Lodge VOA Metro Park
7850 VOA Park Drive
West Chester, Ohio 45069

Thursday, September 24, 2015 7-8:30 PM

This session is timely and vital to understanding the conflict that has reached its tentacles into the United States. As Westerners, it is difficult to understand cultures where religion is Governmentscripture is law,  and the past defines the future.

In a country where, history is measured in hourly news cycles and sound bites it seems incomprehensible that this conflict between Sunni and Shiite is the work of centuries that began with the death of Prophet Muhammad in 632.

This session will be presented by Former Representative and incredible public speaker and patriot, Bob McEwen, who will help us understand such things as:

What is the difference between the Sunni and Shiite philosophies and their ultimate goals? Who comprises the armies of ISIS and ISIL? How do we succeed in defending and defeating those dedicated to this “never-ending war”?

Join us and find out!

Bob McEwen



* S O L D  O U T *

Why Liberals Always Win and Conservatives Always Lose–Hero’s—Victim’s—Bullies!
Sharonville Public Library
10980 Thornview Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45241

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 7:00 -8:30 p.m.

Each day, millions of Americans remain silent on important issues that affect their freedoms and their future.

Polished advocates in government, media, non-profits, unions and academia have mastered the art of promoting a compassionate narrative to advance their public policy agenda at all levels of government and education.

Hardworking citizens and taxpayers are often unprepared to face harsh criticism in the public square when they try to compete.

Rich Youngblood will bring every concerned citizen the skills to confidently assert their view, change the narrative and offer a winning strategy when faith, finances or freedom are under assault.

This class will provide you with the language and tools to protect your freedom and make you the hero in your community.

Richard Youngblood 

Click Here for a Link to a similar Presentation by Rich Youngblood’s of last night’s sold out event.  Don’t Miss!


A Storm is Coming: Preparedness Planning for Family and Community
Symmes Township Library
11850 Enyart Road
Loveland, Ohio 45140

To view a complete recording of this class–Click Here

Thursday, October 1, 2015 7-8:30 PM

A storm is coming…are you ready? Is your county ready? The Fact is, Most American families are not prepared for even a 3 day power outage or local disaster in their area. Empower U would like to change that! 

Jim Beck, a Major and Disaster Relief and Emergency Services Officer with the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary, Civil Air Patrol will guide you through this interactive program. This program will show you how to plan for a disaster that might affect you, and how to keep your family safe, fed, and sheltered for 30 days or longer.

Nick Crossley, Director of Hamilton County Emergency Management & Homeland Security will discuss the scope of Emergency Management and how it works within Hamilton County and the State. He will discuss how our communities can be better prepared by planning for large scale disaster as well as testing their plans and procedure.

How much water will we really need? How do we keep warm and safe in our homes? What kind of disasters will affect us? Why should we prepare all of of our family members?—Join us and find out the answers to these questions and many more! 

Nick Crossley

VirtClassClick Here to See this Session Remotely on 10/1/15–Login After 6:50 PM (Ipads/Iphones Do Not Work)


Modernizing the Ohio Constitution
Evendale –Shelter House–(Up Hill–Follow Signs)
10500 Reading Road
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45241

To view a complete recording of this class Click Here

Tuesday, October 6, 2015 7:00 -8:30 p.m.

Ohio’s first District Court Judge, Patrick Fischer joins us for this important session.  Fischer is a member of the Ohio Constitutional Modernization Commission. He will lead us through the issues being considered by thisbody of scholars. The “Constitution” is the bedrock of our republic. We as citizens need to be aware of and be able to guard changes to it carefully!

Judge Patrick Fischer 

VirtClassTo Login to this class on 10/6 at 6:50 PM Click Here or Attend Session Live in Evendale


The Trial of the Century — Taft versus Remus — A Travesty of Justice
College Hill Presbyterian Church
5742 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

Thursday, October 8, 2015 7-8:30 PM

Mark Plageman, a Professor Emeritus at Miami University, is back to explain how infamous bootlegger George Remus shot and killed his wife Imogene.

The ensuing Trial brought national attention to  Cincinnati, with the prosecution being led by Charles Phelps Taft II,son of former President William Howard Taft. Despite the testimony of numerous witnesses, Remus was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

This presentation deals with the mistakes and lack of clarity on the part of the prosecution and defense. The result was as Charles Phelps Taft said: a gross miscarriage of justice. 

Mark Plageman


Common Mistakes in Estate Planning
Sycamore Township Trustee Room
8540 Kenwood Road
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 7:00 -8:30 p.m.

To see a Recording of this Class Click Here

The average Will is almost 14 years old at the date of death, and 55% of adult Americans don’t even have a Will.  Successful people often fail to have succesful estate plans. Estate planning mistakes are common, and often there are some easy fixes. Many do not understand the nature of the mistakes, nor have been educated on the various solutions. We want to fix this. 

Empower U presents estate planning attorney, Isaac T. Heintz of  Finney Law Firm and registered investment advisor, William F. Lyon, CFP, MSFS of The Lyon Group for this important session in which you will learn the 10 common mistakes in estate planning.

“everything you have, is everything you have.” so join us to learn how to navigate the complex legal tax and financial planning issues.

 VirtClassClick Here To Login to this class on 10/13 at 6:50 or Attend Session Live in Kenwood

To Download tonight’s Powerpoint Presentation Click Here


**Class Cancelled–We Hope to Reschedule**

Before the Doors Opened-An American Success Story
876 State Route 28
Milford, Ohio 45150

Thursday, October 15, 2015 7-8:30 PM**

**Attendees are encouraged to stay afterwards and play!

The Chief Entertainment Officer of Scene75, Jonah Sandler, opens up the doors of the Cincinnati location to talk all about how he turned an empty warehouse into the largest indoor entertainment center in the United States using Facebook. He managed to gain 23,000 likes on the center’s Facebook page in just three months all before the business actually opened and before anyone knew Facebook Marketing was even a thing. 

Come and Join Empower U for this engaging event and stay afterwards to let your inner kid shine. 

Jonah SandlerJonah Sandler



Lunch & Learn: The Sad, Steamy, Sinister Side of Cincinnati
Cincinnati Museum Center, Reakirt Auditorium
1301 Western Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45203

Monday, October 19, 2015 Noon-1 PM

Serial murderers, grave robbers, epidemics,personal tragedies and even slime are all part of Cincinnati’s history.
Spend an hour hearing stories about some of Cincinnati’s most notorious citizens and their nasty deeds. Listen to details about a few of Cincinnati’ssaddest stories. Tragedies and crime abound in this program.
Come prepared to be shocked and saddened. Appropriate for adults.
These lectures are free and open to the public. You’re welcome to bring your own lunch or purchase lunch in the Gateway Cafe in the Rotunda, Featuring a new menu. We encourage you to reserve for the class. All lectures take place from noon-1 p.m.




What You Need To Know To Reclaim Your Child’s Education
Christ Fellowship Church
5000 North Bend Road
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45211

To Access Heidi Huber’s Documents Passed Out Click Here

To Access Powerpoint from Tonight’s Class Click Here

To View a Recording of October 20 Class Click Here

To Reach Jim O’Connor Email this address:   jfpoc@icloud.com

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 7:00 -8:30 p.m.

In this session you will learn how our local schools and teachers have been coerced into compliance, why communities must join in restoring local control and most importantly what parents can do to reclaim their authority over their children’s education and future.   An update on what is going on with Common Core in Ohio will also be discussed.
This session is for everyone; parents, teachers, administrators and taxpayers. Each of us participates in our locally funded education system.
If you’re not fighting this takeover, you’re feeding it!

Heidi Huber

VirtClassClick Here to Login to Class after 6:50 PM on October 20 or Attend in Person


Citizenfour–The Movie
Glendale Lyceum Pub (Downstairs)
865 Congress Avenue
Glendale, Ohio 45246

Friday, October 23, 2015 6:30-9:00 PM  (We are limited to a FIRM attendance of 75 for this event)

Is your Government Spying On You?   What is the Proper role between National Security and Privacy?   Citizenfour is one of the most highly acclaimed and awarded films ever and the winner of the 2014 Academy Award for Best Documentary.   Watch as Edward Snowden is interviewed one week after releasing information on the US’s massive data mining efforts.   The results you need to know.
Join EmpowerU at the movies to discuss one of the most important issues and important movies of our time.  (Just ask Rand Paul and Chris Christie!).

We’ll supply the popcorn and soft drinks and you bring the brain-power and we’ll discuss this important issue of privacy after the movie!
If you can bring a dessert to share and BYOB is allowed.
(See Dan’s Blog Post “Outrage” on the top right side of this page)



The Sociopathic Mind: A Look Into the Dark
Price Hill Chili
4920 Glenway Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45238

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 7:00 -8:30 p.m.

Travel into the dark world of sociopaths with Author Jack Kerley, just in time for Halloween. Learn about what happens in the minds of sociopaths: are all of them killers, and where exactly do they come from. Jack Kerley a writer of psychological thrillers guides you on the journey into a world lacking conscience or  remorse, a place where lies replace truth, deceit is the rule and the quest for power replaces humanity. 

Learn whether that person you know is really a sociopath after all. 

Twelve time novelist, Jack Kerley has been published in eleven languages and in over twenty countries. He currently lives in Newport and despite the often-dark topics of his novels, collects colorful and whimsical Southern folk art. 

Jack Kerley 


Monopoly Money–Is the U.S. the Next Greece?   EmpowerU Attendees to Decide.

Frame USA
225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

Thursday, November 5, 2015 7-8:30 PM

To View a Complete Recording of this Class Click Here

To Download the Powerpoint Presentation for This Class Click Here

To Download the “Vote” Card for Tonight Click Here

EmpowerU managing board member, Dan Regenold invites you to what will surely be a roll-up-your sleeves and get to work class.      Is the United States really the next Greece?

EmpowerU will investigate this very important topic and learn whether the United States is on a downward spiral to irrelevance or if good ol’ USA still has a chance.   Learn more about the driving factors of this debate and learn more about your Country–including useful handouts to take with  you.

An Overview of the Budget of the United States
An Analysis of where we are at based on the Facts & Numbers
How Exactly does the United States Compare to Greece?
The military, entitlements, Social Security, The Debt — how does it all fit together?  Does it fit together?

How close is the USA to Greece?  EmpowerU Attendees will decide and sent the results to our elected officials (do they care?).    The goal of this class will be to let you walk away with simple documents to help you understand where we are at as a County and what our options are.

Dan Regenold

VirtClassTo Login to this class virtually Click Here after 6:50 PM on 11/5/15


To Watch a Complete Recording of this Class Click Here

The Truth about the Deal with Iran
The Farm
219 Anderson Ferry Road
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45238

Monday, November 9, 2015 7:00 -8:30 p.m.

Join EmpowerU as we welcome Representative,Steve Chabot, for this enlightening session. Steve Chabot will walk us through the Iran Nuclear Deal. 

During this session, he will disclose major concessions and explain why the agreement has huge dangerous gaps and historic implications!
Join us for this session and become informed about this important topic. 

Steve Chabot

VirtClassClick Here to Login in to Truth About the Deal with Iran Class after 6:50 PM on 11/9


Remember on Veterans Day: The Forgotten Veterans and Gold Star Mothers of World War I
Covington Library
502 Scott Blvd
Covington, Kentucky 41011

Tuesday, November 10, 2015 7-8:30 PM

Author, John Graham leads us on a pilgrimage filled with great sorrow and great history of The Gold Star Mothers of World War I.

During the first World War, a flag with a gold star identified families who had lost soldiers. Grieving women were “Gold Star” mother and widows.

Between 1930 and 1933 the United States government took 6,654 Gold Star pilgrims to visit their sons’ and husbands’ graves in American cemeteries in Belgium, England, and France.

This session is about these pilgrimages from their launch to the present day, beginning with an introduction to the war and wartime burial.

Remember on Veteran’s Day the Gold Star Mothers with this EmpowerU Session.

John Graham


Warm Apple Cider, Colorful Goodies and Smiling Faces!
Christ Fellowship Church
5000 North Bend Road
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45211

Thursday, November 12, 2015 7:00 -8:30 p.m.

During this session, Brian will demonstrate to kids (of any age) how to prepare and decorate their own treats, and create their own crafty masterpiece at their work stations. Be ready to eat some goodies, get a little dirty, and have a blastBring your cameras to capture the memories!  



To Watch a Complete Recording of this Class Click Here

Download Bob’s Powerpoint Click Here

Federalist 51
Frame USA, Inc.
225 Northland Blvd.
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45246

Saturday, November 14, 2015 10:00-11:30 a.m.

“In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this; you must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place oblige it to control itself”, –James Madison, 4th President of the United States–1809-1817

Professor Emeritus of EmpowerU, Bob Galbraith returns to Cincinnati to teach us about Federalist 51 written by James Madison.  Federalist 51 is the fifty-first of The Federalist Papers first published on February 6, 1788.   One of the most famous of the papers, it addresses appropriate checks and balances which can and must be created in government.  Also,  learn about the key importance of the Separation of Powers.   Federalist 51 is very much in the news and discussed throughout Mark R. Levin’s #1 Best Selling book Plunder and Deceit. Re-visit the fundamentals of our Republic and find out what we seem to have forgot.
New Bob_Galbraith
EmpowerU Professor Emeritus Bob Galbraith

Lunch & Learn: Cincinnati’s Winter Holiday Traditions
Cincinnati Museum Center, Reakirt Auditorium
1301 Western Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45203

Monday, November 16, 2015 Noon-1 PM

If you enjoy reminiscing about the holidays, come along with us to celebrate the many joyful times and faces of the winter holiday season. 
You can’t see the holiday spirit, but its there in the many traditions of Cincinnati around this festive season.
These lectures are free and open to the public. You’re welcome to bring your own lunch or purchase lunch in the Gateway Cafe in the Rotunda, Featuring a new menu. We encourage you to reserve for the class. All lectures take place from noon-1 p.m.




To View a Complete Recording of this Class Click Here

Read ODOT Opinion on Bypass

Read Mark Policinski (Exec Director OKI) Letter to OKI Board Members

What to Do About the Brent Spence Bridge
Holiday Inn Eastgate
4501 Eastgate Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45245

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 7:00 -8:30 p.m.

Which road do we follow? Brent Spence Bridge or By-Pass? Explore options pertaining to the current bridge dilemma. Is the bridge the only way? Is a by-pass a feasible alternative? Join us at this session to be informed on the pros and cons of both options.

The plan $3.6 billion plan offered by Ohio Kentucky Indiana Regional Council of Governments is known as theBrent Spence Bridge Corridor Project.  

The heated discussions and resulting impasse allowed the private sector time to develop an alternate plan to build a68 mile, four lane expressway on the east side of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky at a cost of $1.1 billion and make more moderate improvements to the Brent Spence Bridge.
Jason Kershner discusses for the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce the importance of moving forward with the Brent Spence Bridge Project.   Greg Fischer discusses the innovative possible alternative called the Cincy Eastern Bypass.   Joe Meyer will be speaking for Northern Kentucky United–which opposes tolls for all alternatives.
Years of study and millions of dollars spent and Empower U has it all in one hour and a half session.
kershner_jason60x90pJason Kerschner


Greg Fischer


Joe Meyer

VirtClassClick Here to Login to Class After 6:50 PM on 11/17


Fight Against Cultural Terrorism: Disrupting the Trade in Blood Antiquities
Cincinnati Museum Center, Reakirt Auditorium
1301 Western Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45203

Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:00-8:30 PM

EmpowerU has teamed up with the Cincinnati Museum Center to bring a crucial session
Islamic State’s calculated use of cultural destruction as a tool of terror—punctuated by the brutal murder of archaeologist Khaled al-Assad for his refusal to lead ISIS to hidden Palmyra antiquities– has SHOCKED the world
Even more antiquities from the Middle East are finding their way to American Buyers, who unqittingly become complicit in funding terrorism and thedestruction of heritage sites throughout the region.
International Cultural Heritage lawyer Marion F. Werkheiser will discuss the exponential growth of cultural racketeering and offer solutions that would protect priceless cultural heritage for future generations
This session will teach you the following things: The dynamics of the international trade in antiquities, the international legal regimes that protect cultural property and the role that Americans can play in disrupting Islamic State’s ability to profit from looted antiquities.

Marion F. Wekheiser

