Two things that got away from me this semester that I didn’t have a chance to talk to you about. The First is Critical Race Theory and how it is starting in Hamilton County. Read about Hamilton County’s new resolution that calls for Racism to Be a Public Health Care Crisis–click here to read the resolution. Why is this resolution bad? It starts a process which will begin to turn our citizens and employees against ourselves. We are hearing more about Critical Race Theory–training to make– mostly white people– repent for all the problems they have caused with race relations. It looks like Hamilton County will be going this negative path. What happened to the protections that all Citizens have in the Declaration–“All Men are Created Equal.” Keep a good lookout how this develops. It is is coming to your area–and it is not good.

Secondly, I meant to tell you about my crazy story that happened to me this summer in Historic Glendale, Ohio, my home. At the height of Covid-19, a Council Member in Glendale, formed a focus group to discuss Racism. The people attending this focus group were selected by this Council Member only and the number of people who were able to attend this focus group was limited by Covid-19. The meeting was not open to the public. At the end of the Focus Group the Council Person concluded that everybody in Glendale (2000+ people) were “emplicity racist”. Then, making matters worse, the Mayor of the Village allowed the Council Member to send out an email to the whole Village telling them they were all Racist causing havoc throughout the Village. It is hard to describe to you how people who have lived in Glendale for 60+ years feel about being told they are Racist. Identity politics is the worst stuff, don’t accept it.
Warning: Stay safe until I see you next but be Empowered to watch for this racist stuff coming to your area. It has been an honor to learn with you this semester.
Daniel P. Regenold, Managing Board Member, EmpowerUOhio.org