225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
This class has been cancelled due to a conflict with the speaker’s schedule. Class will be rescheduled for Spring 2019.
Confused about the good and bad effects of tariffs? Hearing conflicting news and find it’s hard to decide what is fact or fiction? Do not miss this opportunity to let EmpowerU and David Williams of the Taxpayer Protection Alliance clarify this complex issue.
President Trump says that imposing tariffs will save jobs and force countries to the negotiating table to make better trade deals. Taxpayer Protection Alliance President, David Williams, believes that tariffs will hurt the economy and raise prices for everything from beer to cars. David will present evidence that tariffs do NOT work and that free trade is the best way to strengthen the economy.
Join us to hear David untangle the knotty web of tariffs and trade! And we want to hear what you have to say about tariff’s. Do you agree with them or are you against them? Do we even have anything close to free or fair trade now?
David Williams is nationally known and the President of the Taxpayer Protection Alliance (TPA). TPA was founded in 2011 as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, educational and advocacy organization dedicated to educating the public through the research, analysis and dissemination of information on the governments effects on the economy. TPA through its network of taxpayers will hold politicians accountable for the effects of their policies on the size, scope, efficiency and activity Show More of government and offer real solutions to runaway deficits and debt. Mr. Williams is an expert on government waste and the budget process. His television appearances include: Fox News, CNN, and Sinclair Broadcasting. He has also appeared on numerous local network affiliates. Mr. Williams has appeared on hundreds of radio talk shows from coast to coast, including WBZ in Boston, WGN in Chicago, KABC in Los Angeles, WCBS in New York, and WOAI in San Antonio.