National Motto Image Delivered to Lakota School System… What Happened?
Our InGodWeTrustProject.com Initiative is a cool initiative because it has allowed us to explain to students in Ohio’s Public Schools how our National Motto came into being and the importance of History in that process. If you haven’t ever read the brief history of our National Motto please make sure to take a minute to do that– Click Here. Of the 80 National Motto picture frames that have been delivered to public schools we’ve had few problems and many of the schools have thanked us– Click Here.
A good friend of mine donated a frame to the Lakota School System and he asked me if I would come and help him present it to the School Board on January 12. My goal in presenting the frame was to explain the history of the motto and the importance of the Motto in our National History and how we wanted to help educate the students about this. I explained the history in 2-3 minutes. The Board treated me with respect and asked the donor and me to come up and have a picture taken. We did.

Board President Linda O’Connor
When we were done with the presentation I turned around and was shocked by the person in the middle of the front row raising her hand up highly and giving me the “bird”, the free flying middle finger pointed right at me. Then, as I took a couple more steps towards leaving, a person yelled at me “Where is your swastika”? I was shocked to see the finger and hear her words. My talk had been straight-forward, non polarizing and the actions I saw were shocking to me.
It is important for me to report this information to you for you to understand the mood and the sentiments out there in the Public School System. What happened to me is hard to imagine and it makes me wonder even more about how an educational moment like this could be turned into a moment of hate. Is this kind of stuff happening in every school system, every day?
Since the initiative started we have now delivered about 80 Framed National Mottos to our 614 Public Schools. Help us sponsor a school if you can at InGodWeTrustProject.com. We are also looking to find a Corporate sponsor that might help us meet our goal of sending “Motto” frames to every public school.