The human costs of the long conflict were harsh for all involved. 57,939 members of U.S. armed forces who died or are missing as a result of the war.
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Vietnam. Even in the present day, a half century after the end of American involvement, the word itself conjures up images in the public mind of horrific jungle warfare in a faraway land that cost tens of thousands of lives and shattered domestic tranquility. It is a word that rightfully revives heartbreak in mothers and fathers across the country.
So many sons were lost in a war that many Americans feel should never have been. But the conflict that dragged on for years was based on flawed theories, like monolithic communism, containment, and the domino theory, all while the government lied to the American people about what was really going on. It was, for good reason, the most unpopular war in US history.
Hear from Ryan Girdursky on 1776 Project-Pac
The 1776ProjectPAC.com is pushing back against this growing crisis in our public education system by campaigning on behalf of school board candidates that vow to overturn any teaching of the 1619 Project or critical race theory in their school districts. We will also support any type of education reform that promotes a patriotic vision of America and its history.
A new and troubling trend has emerged in our nation’s public school system. School districts in all 50 states have adopted critical race theory and parts of “The 1619 Project” as part of their curriculum. Critical race theory is a radical belief that pushes the idea that America is an inherently racist country and white Americans are stained with the original sin of racism for which they can never be cleansed. Their solution is to remake the U.S., abandoning our founding documents and capitalist system.
Supporters of critical race theory hold political power as being more important than facts. Oftentimes they will not engage with anyone who does not support critical race theory, because they believe that is “platforming” them, which gives their opponents’ arguments credibility. It is up to us to fight their agenda in every school board election where this theory is tolerated, promoted, and forced upon America’s children.
Speaker Bio:
Ryan Walters- Originally from Ellisville, Mississippi, the “capital” of the famous “Free State of Jones,” Ryan S. Walters is an independent historian who currently teaches American history at Collin College in North Texas.
He is the author of The Last Jeffersonian: Grover Cleveland and the Path to Restoring the Republic, Remember Mississippi: How Chris McDaniel Exposed the GOP Establishment and Started a Revolution, Grover Cleveland: The Last Jeffersonian President, Apollo 1: The Tragedy That Put Us on the Moon, and The Jazz Age President: Defending Warren G. Harding.
He has appeared on CSPAN, Breitbart Radio, the Dennis Prager Show, the Tom Woods Show, the Mark Davis Show, the History Unplugged Podcast, and many others. He has written for Townhall.com, LewRockwell.com, AntiWar.com, Mises.org, Confederate Veteran magazine, Chronicles magazine, FEE.org, and the Abbeville Institute, and has spoken at a number of venues, including the Abbeville Institute Summer School and the Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Ryan James Girdusky is a New York native. Since 2007, Ryan has worked in politics, starting out with New York City Councilwoman Helen Sears. He has worked on dozens of political campaigns including Michael Bloomberg for Mayor, Bob Turner for Congress, Liberty for All Super PAC, Bob Holden for City Council, and for the Logan Circle Group.
As a writer, Ryan’s work has been featured in nearly a dozen publications, and he has been a guest on many television and radio shows. He is the author of the upcoming book “They’re Not Listening: How the Elites Created the National Populist Revolution” Tonight Ryan will talk to us about his important work on 1776ProjectPac.com.