April Few , from USPIE, Star of the Movie to Join Us for Discussion
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
To View a Partial Video of the Discussion on Education — Click Here
Join April Few who will be travelling, from Columbia, S.C. to visit with EmpowerU tonight to discuss and show the excellent film that USPIE has created called Truth and Lies in Education. The popcorn will be provided by EmpowerU as we watch and learn about public education from this great movie.
April Few is, a young mother of two, who embarks on an eye-opening exploration of the current state of American government schools and makes some alarming discoveries regarding agendas kept hidden from the eyes of both students and parents like her. Through a series of interviews with educational experts, she explores the following questions:
– Are public schools forming a wedge between parents and children?
– Are children being trained to become political activists for the political left?
– What is the true aim of so-called comprehensive sexuality education?
– How much transgender influence is there in government schools?
– How is Critical Race Theory indoctrinating American children?
– Is there a federal education scheme to control the nation’s workforce?
April meets the authors of several books that guided her journey of discovery and gave her a newfound mission—to educate parents of school-aged children about the indoctrination taking place in government schools.
Partial cast members of the movie include: Dr. Carol Swain, Sam Sorbo, Alex Newman, President of USPIE Sheri Few, Dr. Mary Grabar, Donna Hearne, E. Ray Moore, Dr. Duke Pesta, Jarrett Stepman, Dr. Gary Thompson, and Lily Tang Williams. The movie is about 1 hour and 9 minutes long. After the movie April will join us to discuss education in America and what she learned on the journey to make Truth and Lies in Education. Special time tonight for the movie and discussion is 6:30-8:30 PM at EmpowerU Studio.
The Mission for U.S.P.I.E. is – United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) is a nonprofit, nationwide coalition that seeks to return education to its proper local roots and restore parental authority over their children’s education by helping parents and local communities to escape federal and other national influences. Grassroots leaders from around the country will work to 1) expose the lies being taught in government schools that harm children and threaten freedom, 2) encourage parents to take back responsibility to educate their children, 3) initiate and support efforts to return complete local control of government schools, and 4) encourage states to wean themselves off the federal education dole.
To read complete information about the Vision, Values, Honesty, Excellence, Fiscal Accountability and 2022-2023 Goals of USPIE—Click Here.