What Constitutional Rights Do You Have?
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USAThis is an Online Class
Class Sponsored by The Godbey Law Firm
To View a Complete Recording of this Class Click Here
To View Matt Miller-Novak’s Powerpoint Presentation Click Here
Article to Read: Do Ohio Officials Have the Authority to Order Closures–Mark R. Brown
Tom Zawistowski Added to Program to Discuss Liberty
Tom Zawistowski will join us at the beginning of Tuesday Night’s class from 7:05-7:25. He will talk about his view of where we are at with Liberty in the State of Ohio. Join us for his important, informed view. When most people think about Liberty in the State of Ohio they think about this guy.
Tom, is the CEO and Founder, with his wife Nanette, of TRZ Communications, a 38 year old technology company based in Akron, Ohio. In 2009 he was one of the founders of the Portage County TEA Party, for which he became the Executive Director in 2010, a position he still holds.
In 2011, Tom was nominated by liberty leaders around the state to head a group of volunteers that was challenged with the task of putting on the first ever state convention for liberty minded citizens. His “We the People” Convention which was held at the Columbus Convention Center during the 4th of July weekend of 2011 and was attended by over 1,000 Patriots.
He has been recognized as one of the top liberty group leaders in the nation for his efforts to defend the legal right of Liberty groups across the nation and he produces the popular We The People Convention Podcast which is Posted Every Friday at ethepeopleconvention.org.
Matt Miller-Novak to Discuss The First Amendment
Lorain, Ohio residents recently came to City Council meeting with their mouths taped shut, as dozens of people sent a strong message at the meeting that they demanded to be able to speak in a public comment portion of the meeting. Cleveland, Ohio does not allow public comment at it’s Monday night meetings. What is happening in your community?
Matt Miller-Novak, from Godbey Law, LLC will teach an important First Amendment course at Empower U on April 21, 2020. The course will focus on the constitutional rights of citizens speaking during public participation portions of local government meetings. The course will cover the case law precedent regarding the First Amendment’s application to protected speech, the government’s ability to manage participation, and potential rights of action and consequences for unlawful viewpoint animus.
Matt Miller-Novak will provide a lecture and some examples. He will also answer audience questions, and he greatly enjoys audience participation, so do not be surprised if he asked those in attendance to join in. Matt’s part of the class will run from 7:25-8:15 PM.
Matt Miller-Novak is an attorney at Godbey Law, LLC. Matt received his Juris Doctorate from Chase School of Law, his Master of Fine Arts degree in painting from the University of Cincinnati, and his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in painting from Youngstown State University. Matt first moved to Cincinnati in 2001 to study painting at the University of Cincinnati after marrying his wife Jamie. Jamie began teaching high school English in the Three Rivers School District, and Matt began teaching painting and drawing at Northern Kentucky University while exhibiting his art regionally and nationally.
Matt soon developed an interest in local government and began getting involved in campaigns and other community service. Moreover, his faith had always driven his desire to empower those with less bargaining power in our society. In the year 2010, Matt decided to stop teaching and attend law school. Upon his admission at Chase Law, Matt focused his studies on Constitution jurisprudence and employment discrimination. He graduated Cum Laude, and he received honors for his trial advocacy skills and legal writing. In addition, Matt published two law review articles, and he spoke at Whittier Law School regarding employment matters in 2014.
Matt is now a civil litigator at Godbey Law, and he is actively empowering citizens in government accountability cases, employment discrimination cases, and other civil matters. He has received his share of coverage in various local news reports on his cases, and his practice at Godbey Law continues to grow. In his private life, Matt continues to paint, as well play guitar and piano at his church in Walnut Hills. He also serves on his own local government, he remains happily married to Jamie, and he is the proud father of a 12-year old son.