For all entrepreneurs. How about grave-robbing or body snatching as a business, are you thinking “out of the box”? Take 20: Lauren Bowen talks about the Freedom Foundation and her important work informing unionized employees.
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
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Required Reading: Resolution 20 Repealed–Read the New Resolution on Academic Excellence — Click Here
Mary Cunningham who, in the 1870s, with her husband William were in the business of aiding many young Cincinnati medical students in their studies by providing them with cadavers upon which to examine. They were grave-robbing body snatchers! Irish born Mary was a fun-loving woman that liked her whiskey and was rough around the edges. At the time you “see” Mary her beloved husband William, known as the “Ghoul of Cincinnati,” had passed away. Mary, dubbed as “Alligator Jaws” will enlighten you of the fine arts of bodysnatching, which was a very lucrative market in Cincinnati during that time. What else we know of Mary are from the many Cincinnati newspaper articles about bodysnatching.
The Freedom Foundation has One Mission, One Goal : We are an action-focused, non-profit policy organization- a “Think tank”- based in Olympia, Washington and active across the nation, with additional offices in Oregon, California , Ohio and Pennsylvania. Founded in 1991 by Bob Williams and Lynn Harsh to advance the ideals of ” free markets and limited accountable government,” today we are a national leader in winning the fight for freedom at the state and local level. Since 2012, our singular focus has been battling public-sector unions, and no one fights government unions more aggressively or successfully than the Freedom Foundation. We battle the union political machine by defending workers’ constitutional rights, enforcing campaign finance laws, introducing reforms that protect workers’ rights, working to increase union transparency, and exposing the illegal actions of big government unions. Hear this interesting story from Ohio Director, Lauren Bowen.
Speaker Bios:
Joyce Lovins Browning- is a native of Ohio growing up in Harrison and Okeana. She has been performing Living History for over 18 years. She retired after 20 years as the Naturalist Coordinator from Great Parks of Hamilton County in 2018, and now enjoys working as a part-time Tour Coordinator for Ohio Travel Treasures, sending groups on wonderful bus tour adventures.
Lauren Bowen: Ohio Director- Lauren is a lifelong Ohio resident and calls Cincinnati home. After earning a master’s degree in international politics from Wright State University in 2014, she led an innovative, first of its kind, digital government accountability and transparency project, called the Ohio Checkbook. Through that leadership experience, Lauren developed a fierce determination to undermine government corruption. She has since joined the Freedom Foundation as State Director to fight union tyranny and oppression. In her spare time Lauren enjoys collecting early American antiques and trying new restaurants with her husband.