Rodney Musterspaw on What It's Really Like to be a Police Chief
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Doors to EmpowerU Studio Open at 6:30 PM. In Person or Virtual Class.
To Watch a Complete Recording of This Class Click Here
Required Reading: Biden’s UN Ambassador Defends Repeating Anti-American, Chinese Propaganda
For 30 years, former Middletown Police Chief Rodney Muterspaw handled brutal crimes that invaded his hometown. During his tenure, he saw the dark, ugly and cruel side of human nature. One of his survival mechanisms was to journal the daily events. It relieved his tension. It was therapy. He wrote in notebooks, on his laptop and on his phone. One day, while unpacking boxes, he discovered his journal entries. As he sifted through them, he was overpowered by the myriad of emotions stemming from each memory. “There were funny stories, notes of the day, things he had heard, his experiences, serious thoughts and observations that he had had. Little did he know that a simple daily journaling habit would turn him into an author.
The ex-chief does not condone bad behavior by cops. In his book he addresses the complex issues of racial profiling, evidence planting and untruthful statements. While he sometimes paints a transparent, unflattering portrait of police officers, he also acknowledges that the opioid crisis, structural poverty, lack of education and racial profiling have contributed to more crimes than a single police department could handle.
Rodney will take you to the inside of a police officer’s life, the life you don’t see. It will change the way you think about law enforcement. He says “The truth is that you cannot be trained enough to do this job.”
The Blue View is a brand new release and is already a 5 star read on Amazon, and the audio book was just released in January. Plus it has already been read in four other countries. Autographed copies of The Blue View will be available for $15, cash only, immediately following Rodney’s presentation.
EmpowerU Board Member Barb Horwitz will be joining us from 7:05-7:25 tonight to talk to us about McCarthyism. With cancel- culture at its height this discussion, which takes us back to the 1950’s may prove to be beneficial for many of us to learn about and reflect on.
Barb Horwitz
Speaker Bio
Rodney Muterspaw was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio. He rose through the ranks of the police force, becoming Chief in 2015. He won numerous rewards throughout his career before retiring in 2019. Remains active in his community through his new career in real estate, community work, and speaking engagements. Muterspaw still resides in Middletown, Ohio, is married with three children and two grandchildren.