225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
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Stop the Bleed is a nationwide campaign to empower individuals to act quickly and save lives. Uncontrolled bleeding injuries can result from natural and manmade disasters and from everyday accidents. If this bleeding is severe, it can kill within minutes, potentially before trained responders can arrive. Providing bystanders with basic tools and information on the simple steps they can take in an emergency situation to stop life threatening bleeding can save lives. Research has shown that bystanders, with little or no medical training, can become heroic lifesavers. Similar to the use of CPR or automatic defibrillators, improving public awareness about how to stop severe bleeding and expanding personal and public access to Bleeding Control Kits can be the difference between life and death for an injured person. Stop the Bleed is an initiative endorsed by the American College of Surgeons, The Committee on Trauma, Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, and many other national organizations.
From this class, you will be able to determine if an area is safe for you to proceed toward a victim to provide assistance, identify any nearby tools to assist you such as a publicly placed bleeding control kit or everyday items that can be used to control bleeding, look for and identify life threatening injuries and uncontrolled bleeding, use your hands to apply direct pressure at the site of the wound to stop bleeding, pack deep wounds with cloth or gauze to control bleeding, correctly apply a tourniquet to an injured limb to stop bleeding and keep the victim calm until help arrives.
Gina Menninger, Trauma Prevention and Outreach Coordinator for UC Health and the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. Gina has been a nurse for 13 years, with the majority of those years with the Trauma Department at UC Medical Center. She graduated from the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing with my Bachelors in Science and Nursing in 2006 and am an avid Bearcats fan. Gina is the mother of three boys and enjoy coaching them in sports and helping out at their school. She serves as a representative with the Ohio Injury Prevention Partnership for the state of Ohio and am part of the American Trauma Society, Trauma Center Association of America, Midwest Injury Prevention Coalition and both Butler and Hamilton County Safe Communities Coalitions. The #1 cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding and education early on will prevent the statistics from continuing to trend up as trauma continues to the be leading cause of death for those age one to forty and third leading cause of death for all ages. While mass shootings currently receive a lot of attention, serious bleeding is more likely to result from everyday injuries such as those that may occur at home, at work or while on the road.