Private Meeting With Business Owners from Springdale
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
To View a Complete Recording of This Class-Click Here
Springdale Business Owners will meet today at 11:30 to hear from Mayor Doyle Webster, Lawrence Hawkins, Chairman of Council’s Finance Committee and Ms. Kathy McNear who is the Elected Finance Director. These three people will explain why Springdale needs to raise the Springdale Earnings tax from 1.5 to 2.0%. Will the increase hurt Economic Development in Springdale, will it cause business owners problems with hiring? If you are a Springdale Business Owner or Manager and you and are able please join us on this date. If you plan to come please send an email to: jgugel@frameusa.com . See attached at http://www.empoweruohio.org/springdaletax.pdf for additional information on the proposed tax increase. Please note that this class will be recorded and at you will be able to watch the class to watch by the end of the day on 3/27/19. To watch the recroding go to 3/26 class at www.empoweruohio.org scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link to watch .
Mayor Doyle Webster