Parents Rise up and Protest at the Board of Education!
Ohio Board of Education25 S. Front Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Important: If you are concerned about Critical Race Theory and the direction of education in Ohio we need you at this rally to show support. Please consider taking a day off work for this important event–it’s critical! The speaker lineup for this invent is incredible including, Josh Mandel, Ruth Edmonds, Andy Brenner, Rev. C.L. Bryant, Jennifer Gross, 14 Yr. Old Haddon Lockyer, Kirsten Hill, Jenny Kilgore, Isaac Adi, Sarah Fowler Arthur, and Senate Candidate Mark Pukita! To see a complete list of speakers and their bios–Click Here
“Woke” Ohio Department of Education President Laura Kohler Tries to Limit Public Access to
Tuesday’s Meeting–Read Attorney Curt Hartman’s Response–Click Here
To Download a Map of this Event Click Here
- Protest the Board’s Resolution #20–The Onset of Critical Race Theory in Ohio!
- Protest Governor Mike DeWine’s Support of Racist Equity Plans taking over School Districts Across Ohio (have you checked your School System?)
- Protest the State School Board’s refusal to hear public comment on the subject of “Race” at their Board Meetings at a time when the Legislature is discussing Racism in Public Schools.
- Protest bad education outcomes in schools across Ohio!
- 8:00 AM –Arrive at the Board of Education, 25 South Front St. , Columbus, OH 43215–Protest Picket
- 8:30 AM –9:45 AM–Hear Inspirational speakers from around Ohio on the important subjects of education and Critical Race Theory. We will be protesting and Picketing while we hear from speakers.
- 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM — Join us as we visit local legislators at the Statehouse and the Riffe Center. Let them know what we think about Critical Race Theory. We will continue to Protest and Picket.
- 11:45-12:30 — Capitol Square South Plaza – Hear from More Speakers for this event.
- 12:45 PM — Protest Ends and please return home safely!
Please Register for this FREE Event!
Click Here to Register to Attend This FREE Event!
Click Here To Register for Bus Transportation from Cincinnati-Leaving from King’s Island Park and Ride (map to be sent to you) at 5:45 AM, Return Bus Leaves at 1:15 PM – Cost is $15.00 (Bus Trip goers will also receive a FREE Box Lunch at Noon). Bus will be a school bus driven by a professional driver, (no air conditioning).
Please Consider Making a Contribution to Our Campaign to Help Cover Costs (Fee for Protesting at Capital $450–Thank You!)
For questions about this event email: info@StopCriticalRaceTheory.com . We may offer more buses from around the State as we accept registrations.
StopCriticalRaceTheory.com is a Coalition of the following 41 groups and is an initiative EmpowerUOhio.org, Inc., the Sponsor of this Protest. If your group or Business wants to be included in our Coalition email: info@stopcriticalracetheory.com.
Please sign on to www.StopCriticalRaceTheory.com and tell your friends to take the pledge today! By taking the pledge you allow us to keep you informed of our initiative and let you know of hotspots and problem schools as they show up. Thank You!