Policy Solutions for the Pandemic / Preparing Your Finances In the Midst of Economic Uncertainty
Double Header with Greg Lawson and Jonathan Dever
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USAThis is an Online Class
To reach Jonathan Dever regarding his offer of 1/2 hour of free consultation help for financial problems-debt resolutuion email him at: jonathan@deverlawfirm.com * www.deverlaw.com * 513-823-2112 * twitter @jonathandever
To Watch A Complete Recording of this Class Click Here
Tonight’s Suggested Reading: Wall St. Journal Article: “Bail Out The States?”
Policy Solutions for the Pandemic: How to Fight the Impact of Coronavirus
The Buckeye Institute is an independent research and education think tank whose mission is to advance free-market public policy in the states. Buckeye has been totally out front on the Pandemic and written several policy positions on Solutions for the Pandemic. These include:
- Transitioning Ohioans Back to Work
- Using the Rainy Day Fund to Fight COVID-19
- Redirecting State Resources to Fight COVID-19
- Lifting Restrictions on Nurses to Fight COVID-19
- Moves by the State that can get us through the Pandemic
Greg, a frequent contributor to EmpowerU will guide us through the highlights of Buckeye’s conclusions on how The State of Ohio should deal with the Pandemic. Don’t Miss this Discussion. Greg will be with us from 7:05-7:40 PM.
Greg R. Lawson is a Research Fellow at The Buckeye Institute.
In this role, Lawson works with all members of the Buckeye research team with a particular focus on local government and education issues. He is also Buckeye’s main liaison to the statehouse where he educates policymakers in both the legislative and executive branches on free-market solutions to Ohio’s challenges.
Prior to his position at Buckeye, Lawson served in the Ohio General Assembly as a Legislative Service Commission Fellow. He then went on to several government affairs roles focusing on numerous public policy topics, including Medicaid, school choice, transportation funding, and Ohio’s Building Code. He also has a background in PAC fundraising, grassroots organizing, and communications and served for five years on the boards of two Columbus-based charter schools.
Preparing Your Finances in the Midst of Economic Uncertainty. Non-Bankruptcy Alternatives and Negotiating Workouts.
In this uncertain time, being prepared for the unknown is vital to your family’s long term financial well being. Jonathan Dever founded his law firm in 2002 as our nation was recovering from the September 11 attacks. He quickly realized that he was able to use hsi legal know-how to help families and small business owners facing difficult financial and emotional circumstances.
Once the Great Recession began five years later, he took what he had learned from these experiences to help out consumers and businesses at the height of that crisis. This meant defending homeowners, fighting foreclosures, and helping business owners maintain their livelihood without filing for bankruptcy.
Today, we find ourselves in uncertain economic times. Businesses are being shuttered by the government without any real assurance of when this will end. Many workers have been sent home without paychecks. Funds that were saved for rainy days must now outlast a 100-year flood. And we don’t know for certain how long this process will last. More disconcerting, money promised for small businesses hasn’t arrived.
Jonathan knows that we can weather this or any challenge, because while the causes of financial turmoil change, the ways to address it do not. Jon will be with us from 7:40-8:15 PM.
Jonathan will take his knowledge of helping thousands of small businesses and individuals and give you some tips on how to best prepare your family for the economic conditions that we are facing as a State and Nation.
Jonathan Dever, Esq is one of Cincinnati’s most talented attorneys. With over 20 years of experience, Jonathan is known as a litigator, entrepreneur, and an accomplished legislator. Jonathan rose to prominence in the State of Ohio as a respected Representative from Southwest Ohio.
Dever brings a breadth of knowledge as a respected attorney handling a vast array of matters, from complex debt restructuring cases, real estate issues, Uniform Commercial Code, foreclosure and housing and business issues, to representing various interests in negotiation and advocacy before various bodies. Jonathan has never lost a jury trial.
While serving in the Ohio House of Representatives, he was appointed to serve as the Chairman of the prestigious Financial Institutions Housing and Urban Development Committee. Mr. Dever, He has been an outspoken advocate for reforms in lending and housing issues. Mr. Dever has been a strong voice of the disabled, authoring and shepherding the Ohio ABLE Act, establishing the first active program in the country to effectively give individuals with disabilities the power to save and invest for their future.