The "Pandemic" has exposed the brokenness of our “Health Care System”.
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
To Watch a Complete Recording of Tonight’s Class–Click Here
Required Reading II–Epoch Times Looks at InGodWeTrustProject.com
Have you noticed how the (legal) Drug Culture permeates everything, everywhere in our society? We’re bombarded with pharmaceutical ads (did you know that ONLY the U.S. & New Zealand, among industrialized nations, even allow direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medication?); we pay more for drugs than any country in the world; as of Dec. 2021, “U.S. medical bills & indebtedness were responsible for 66.5% of all American personal insolvencies.” HOW DID WE GET HERE??
Dr. Debbi will present a discussion of our broken Sick Care System, over-regulated by the corrupt FDA (Fraud & Death Administration), misguided by the CDC (Center for Disease & Corruption) & dominated by Big Pharma. She’ll share some history of how this mess started: the Oiligarchy, spawning the Flexner report, commissioned by the Carnegie Foundation…& the insidious eradication of any & all alternative, complementary, eclectic medical schools—any training program that did not support the burgeoning science of pharmacology.
We’ll discuss the healthcare politics of legislation that allowed this transformation of American medicine, & horror stories of pioneers in natural healing who have been systematically squelched, suppressed, imprisoned—or worse, depriving untold numbers of Americans from receiving safe, effective, non-toxic healing remedies & even cures. All of which will demonstrate why it is so critical for us to stand up & speak out, to demand action by our legislators—to preserve our very bodily autonomy. A bibliography will be provided. Dr. Debbi will speak from 7:30-8:30 PM.
Darbi Boddy, is an elected “conservative” member of the Lakota Board of Education. Darbi will discuss the baseless but unrelenting ridicule from the institutional establishments that continue to control education in our county and their attempts to discredit her. Darbi will speak from 7:10-7:30 PM.
Speaker’s Bio:
Dr. Debbi Silverman: Debbi Silverman, M.D., C.W.C., the “Recovering Allopath,” practiced conventional Adolescent Medicine & Family Practice (& later, Addiction Medicine) for over 30 years—but got over it! Passionate about wellness & disenchanted with Sick Care, this former New Yorker has embraced Functional/Complementary/Alternative Medicine & holistic/energy healing modalities, from hypnosis & cymatics to herbal & homeopathic. She has taught U.C. graduate & medical students, retirement communities, public & professional groups. Her signature MeduTainmentTM programs combining performing arts & wellness education have delighted audiences from Ohio to Florida for 25+ years. “Dr. Debbi’s Musical Medicine Show,” a parody of healthcare in Cincinnati & America, has been presented regionally & in the 2005 Cincinnati Fringe Festival of the Arts.
After getting embezzled in 2000, Dr. Debbi spent several years doing professional acting & singing, & became a Certified Wellness Coach. Back in Medicine, she worked at the Health Dept’s Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic, then treated chronic pain patients & addiction clients in Suboxone clinics—always searching for better, non-drug, holistic approaches. Most recently, she’s done some professional Medical Illustration, creates 3D found-art dioramas, & is rehearsing with her wonderful keyboard player, Mitch Liberman. She’s still convinced that music & laughter are the best medicines!
Darbi Boddy- On November 3rd, 2021, Darbi Boddy was elected to the Lakota Board of Education. She is the wife of a Marine. They have been married for 17 years. Darbi has four children, three dogs, two cats, two guinea pigs and a snake. She grew up north of Dayton in a small farming town, where she was a multisport athlete, played the Oboe for 7 years, and was in her high school flag corp. Darbi went to a local college on a cross country scholarship.
Darbi had a unique childhood growing up in the Dayton area. Her parents became foster parents at her request which resulted in many foster children moving in and out of her home. When Darbi was 14, she met her adopted brother when he was just three days old. Darbi has always had a heart for special needs children, volunteered to assist with the special education gym class in high school, and had a job in college working for a paraplegic and with students with cerebral palsy.
Darbi is a wife, a mom, volunteer in the community and church, an accomplished bodybuilder, and has run three half marathons. Darbi has over 20 years of experience in business, with 17 years in retail management. Her volunteer work has taken her to Jamaica, Italy, Switzerland, and a Hopi reservation in Arizona. She has been involved in many non-profit organizations including Roots Family Collaborative, Family Outreach Inc., Reach Inc., the Salvation Army, Family Promise, National Parks Conservation, Red Cross and Kaboom.
As a member of the Lakota Board of Education, Darbi has distinguished herself as a bold and hardworking advocate for the conservative values that she based her campaign on. She serves on the Board’s Policy, Diversity, Facility and Safety Committees. Darbi’s community involvement includes Habitat for Humanity and Lakota Cares. The growing and unwavering support she garners from her unwillingness to cower in the face of the baseless but unrelenting ridicule from the institutional establishments that continue to control education in our county, is not just an inspiration to all in this battle, but is a clear indicator that a change is upon us.