Dr. Will Sawyer to Address EmpowerU on Medical Cannabis
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
To View A Complete Recording of This Class Click Here
Dr. Sawyer at his class recommended the following two sites for more information on medical marijuana: http://www.healer.com and http://www.thesacredplant.com
Contact Information for Dr. Will Sawyer: Sharonville Family Medicine: 11714 Lebanon Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241 (513) 769-4951
See Dr. Sawyer’s List of Conditions Required for Medical Marijuana Prescription Referral
Article referred for your reference from former Board Member Ed Bell: https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/marijuana-mental-illness-violence/
Dr. Sawyer will be here to help us understand and give us some up-to date information on medicinal cannabis in Ohio. Dr. Sawyer is several physicians in our state that has a license for “Certification To Recommend” (CTR). The patient registry for Ohio is now open and patients cannot be registered if Doctor Sawyer determines they do not meet the medical criteria.
He will talk about medical conditions for medicinal cannabis, the steps required to meet the criteria for the conditions being considered in Ohio at this time. This class is sure to be informative. There will be time for questions. (non- personal conditions please)
Solo practice Family Medicine 5/1/1986 to present, Sharonville Family Medicine. Henry
the Hand Foundation, founded 1999. Hand Awareness program based upon the 4
principles of Hand washing Awareness, endorsed by the AMA and AAFP. Dr. Sawyer has the medical license for “Certification To Recommend”(CTR) medical marijuana for designated medical conditions as set up by the state of Ohio.
Dr. Sawyer offers a personal consultation about medicinal cannabis to those who are
interested in considering medical marijuana for themselves or a family member. He will
be able to give you a better understanding weather you or a family member may meet the
specific state criteria for the conditions being considered in Ohio.