Sponsored by Senior Care Partners. Take 20: Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted Joins EmpowerU to discuss Higher Education Alternatives
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
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Doors to EmpowerU Studio Open at 6:30 PM
Required Reading: Take Steps to Deal with Childhood Trauma
Uncertainty seems to be lurking all around us these days. This can derail us if we are not careful. Let’s add Dementia to the brain of someone you love and your whole world can feel upside down, falling apart. We can’t fix this one but with the right instructions the holidays can still be meaningful. I can add some much needed tools to your tool belt, help you realize there is life even with dementia and find hope while dealing with progressive memory loss.
I hope you will join me to learn better ways to enjoy family time even with someone living with Dementia. Mark your calendar for Oct. 21st at 7pm and have your notepad ready as I take you on a journey into our holiday traditions.
Thank goodness EmpowerU provides a platform where adults can gather in person or online to learn about issues that many of us are dealing with. This event is being sponsored by Senior Care Partners.
7:05-7:25 PM–Jon Husted, Lieutenant Governor
for the State of Ohio joins EmpowerU. Navigating Pathways to Credentials and Careers. Description: Americans owe an estimated $1.57 trillion in student loan debt. Some want the debt “forgiven,” and some want college to be “free.” There are affordable solutions out there for students and families if you know how to navigate the system. It’s my goal as Lieutenant Governor to help Ohioans figure out how to reach their destination. If you take advantage of the opportunities available right now in Ohio, you can receive a college degree, an industry-recognized credential and a pathway to a rewarding career, all debt-free, no matter your age or background.
Speaker Bio:
Teresa Youngstrom is a Seasoned Registered Nurse and Dementia Specialist. She has more than 35 years of Clinical and Leadership experience in Healthcare. She became intensely focused on Memory Care when it touched her own family. Teresa is a PAC Certified Independent Trainer under Teepa Snow. Her passion for improving the lives of people living with Dementia led her to start her own business, “A Better Approach to Memory Care”, where she provides staff training, family consulting and professional education.
Lt. Governor Jon Husted oversees the Ohio Common Sense Initiative (CSI) and serves as the Director of both the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation and InnovateOhio. Jon Husted started his life in a foster home before being adopted by his loving parents, Jim and Judy. He is the oldest of three children and was raised in Northwest Ohio’s Williams County. The small community instilled in him the importance of faith, family, and hard work that serve as the foundation of his public service. He graduated from Montpelier High School and earned both his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from the University of Dayton (UD).
Jon was an All-American defensive back for the Dayton Flyers and a member of UD’s 1989 Division III National Championship Football Team. After receiving his Master’s Degree, Jon remained in the Miami Valley and served as the Vice-President for Economic Development at the Dayton-Area Chamber of Commerce.