This Class Has Been Cancelled!
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
This Class Has Been Cancelled.
We Are Sorry. Commissioner Denise Driehaus has refused to debate saying “She is too busy.” Candidate Alicia Reece has told us “She Will Not Debate”. We regret the cancelling of this debate for the 817,000 people in Hamilton County.
In November 2020, two commissioners will be elected to the Hamilton County Commission. Andy Black (R), Dr. Herman Najoli (I) and Alicia Reece (D) will run for one Commissioner Position. Matt O’Neill (R) will run against incumbent Denise Driehaus (D) in the other election. As of this time Andy Black, Dr. Najoli and Matt O’Neill have confirmed their participation in the Debate. We hope to host this debate at a physical location you can attend.
If we are unable to because of the pandemic this class will be hosted on Zoom.
Commissioner Candidate Andy Black was born and raised in Cincinnati. He grew up in a household where East Side met West Side, with his mother originating from Colerain and his father from Madeira. Andy was born in Delhi Township and raised in Mariemont where he attended their public schools through high school.
Andy he attended Miami University where he played college football and earned his Bachelor’s in History. While working full time, he then continued his education by attending Bellarmine University where he completed and earned his MBA.
Andy then launched himself into the private sector, serving for 15 years in the financial technology sector, primarily with Diebold-Nixdorf & NCR Corp. In this role he was responsible for managing a global account team with revenues in excess of $75,000,000.
Currently, Andy serves as Vice President of a design-build firm specializing in commercial real estate opportunities for community based banks and credit unions. This role has prepared Andy to take on the complicated task of economic development and job creation in Hamilton County, as well as given him the necessary experience in working hand-in-hand with local businesses to accomplish their goals.
Beyond Andy’s professional career, he has dedicated himself to service to the public. In 2009 he became the youngest individual ever elected to Mariemont council and was subsequently appointed as Chairman of the Finance Committee. He then served as Vice Mayor of Mariemont from 2011-2012. In addition to his service as an elected official, Andy has been active as a board member for the Northeast Hamilton County Republican Club and the Hamilton County Republican Party Leadership Council, and has served in leadership roles on the reelection campaigns for Congressman Steve Chabot and Senator Rob Portman.
Andy has been married to his wife Courtney for 14 years and they live with their two sons in Indian Hill.
Commissioner Candidate Dr. Herman Najoli–As an academic, Dr. Najoli supports learners of all ages. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Economics and a minor in Commerce from the University of Nairobi (2000). He graduated from the Honor Academy Leadership Internship in Garden Valley, TX (2002). He has two Masters degrees, one in Organizational Leadership from Regent University (2004), and the other in Advanced Leadership Studies from Indiana Wesleyan University (2009).
Najoli holds a Doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership from Indiana Wesleyan University having completed a 245-page dissertation on Wisdom and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Leaders (2012). He is firmly at grips with how cognitive, affective, and reflective dimensions of wisdom correlate to the altrusim, conscientiousness, sportsmanship, courtesy, and civic virtue of citizenship behavior.
In Hamilton County, 37% of residents have a Bachelors degree or higher. Out of these 22 % have a masters degree. Of those with advanced education, 4% have a doctoral degree. I have the educational acumen to serve as commissioner and will support learning in all sectors and levels throughout Hamilton County.
Commissioner Candidate Matt O’Neill was born in Cincinnati and has lived in all parts of the Cincinnati area. He graduated from Our Lady of Visitation grade school and St. Xavier High School. Matt received his undergraduate degree in Accounting and Finance from Miami University in 1984 and his MBA degree from Xavier University in 2002.
Matt has lived 24 years in Green Township, 5 in Loveland, 5 in Deerfield Township, 4 in Fort Thomas and for the last 20 in Oakley. His familiarity with all areas of the county will help Matt be a commissioner who considers the needs of residents. Matt has worked most of his career in School Finance with 11 years at Xavier dealing with treasury accounting. Matt has worked in similar accounting positions at Chaminade- Julienne High School, and The Health Alliance at University of Cincinnati. For the last 3 years Matt has worked at Protech Medical Company, a publicly traded durable medical equipment company in Wilder, KY.
Matt has completed the Flying Pig Full or Half Marathon 15 times and is most proud of Cincinnati on this day when the city host runners from 50 states. Most of them leave with a great impression of our city. Matt is an active parishioner at St. Cecilia in Oakley and enjoys interacting with the needy at the parish holiday dinners. Matt has volunteered at the Pregnancy Center East as a greeter, and he regularly visits with disadvantaged people who attend the Crossroads Coffee Ministry.