This is a VIRTUAL Class Only!
This is a Virtual Only Event,
Thursday, November 19, 2020
To Watch a Complete Recording of this Class Click Here
“If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter”.
–George Washington, 1783
Trash Twitter * Fire Facebook * Get Off Google!
At no time in our recent past have we entered an area of danger, like now, as Big Tech Companies infringe on the values that we hold so clear–specifically The First Amendment and our Right to Free Speech.
Dan Talks About Big Tech Censorship — Click Here
Join us tonight, for this important session of EmpowerU as we close out 20th Semester. You will hear from several presenters who have spoken at previous classes of EmpowerU over the years. These friends will be talking to you about the importance of Free Speech and why they hold The First Amendment so dear–in 5 minute live (Zoom) video talks.
Speakers Announced :
While the speeches are going on, during our Zoom Webinar, you will also have the opportunity, to publicly Deactivate or Delete your Twitter and Facebook Accounts and Stop your Google Activity–either permanently or for 120 days. During this process you can watch as friends and colleagues take this Deactivation and Deletion step online. You will also have the chance to send, in writing, a written message, via EmpowerU, to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Goggle CEO Sundar Pichai. Tell them how you feel. Tell them you don’t like their influence in our Elections and in what we say. Use some choice words about Big Tech Censorship!

EmpowerU will not keep you hanging. At this class we will also be offering you suggestions on other social media options that are available to you to keep you in the news and on top of your game and to help you meet new friends. You might even have more fun!
Our ability to hold Big Tech accountable from their Orwellian decision to censor us is within your very hands–the hands of the people… Prepare to take action, prepare to let the world know that our First Amendment and Free Speech rights matter. Join us on November 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM.