Is Our Government Endangering It’s Citizens Through GPS Monitoring?
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
To Watch A Complete Recording of This Class–Click Here
Learn about the incredibly tragic story of Reagan Tokes as told by her mother Lisa McCrary-Tokes who is traveling from Florida to join us. Her horrific story, which happened in Columbus Ohio, was recently featured on an Episode on Dateline. Lisa is a mother who never thought she would be thrust into the political arena to fight for the rights of innocent victims and to push for legislative overhaul in the State of Ohio but that indeed is her reality.
Lisa will speak on November 12th about the tragic death of her oldest daughter Reagan Delaney Tokes who was a student at Ohio State. Reagan was abducted just after leaving work in the Short North area of Columbus on the night of February 8th, 2017 by a previous violent offender who was recently released from incarceration and wearing a GPS ankle monitor. She was robbed, raped and shot in the head twice at Scioto Grove Metro Park. Her lifeless, naked body was found the morning of February 9th, 2017. Her abductor is now serving a life sentence for her murder but as the Tokes family dug deep into this situation, they found the laws and systems in place at the time of this heinous crime in the State of Ohio were severally flawed and this perpetrator should never have crossed paths with their daughter or the nine other people he would be convicted of assaulting along with his charge of murder.
Lisa will take us thru the journey that is driven from a strong bond of faith and love to take immediate action to try to make a difference and prevent a tragedy like the one that happened to her family from occurring again. She will speak to the current flaws in the State of Ohio judicial system/post control release program and what has been done currently to combat them along with the perceived perception of how the ankle monitor program is providing a “false sense of security” to the citizens of this state. Mrs. Tokes will also share with us the positive endeavors the foundation created in her daughter’s honor and memory is having on the lives of others.
Lisa McCrary-Tokes will be accompanied by Rob Fletcher with whom she has partnered with at the Rally for Reagan events to help empower people of all ages by educating them on the topic of the dangers in society today and how to protect themselves from them. Rob is the founder of the program SDI7HIIT-a workout program that teaches self-awareness/self-defense techniques to help prevent becoming a victim and what to do if you find yourself in a dangerous situation. He will take us thru facts, statistics, and advice for safety and prevention awareness along with an explanation of the mindset zones, teaching when, where and how to strike-self defense techniques against common attacks and how to put it all together into a SDI7HIIT workout in 7 minute intervals.
Lisa McCrary-Tokes is the President of the Reagan Delaney Tokes Memorial Foundation. This foundation was created from a place of love to honor the memory of her and her husband Toby’s oldest daughter who lost her life in a tragic chain of events in February 2017 due to failures and flaws in the current system in the state of Ohio. This foundation has raised and awarded nearly $200,000 in scholarships to well deserving students from the Rally for Reagan events it hosts. These events also have a self-awareness/self-defense component added to them to teach attendees how to keep themselves safe and feel empowered. It is a hope that a program like this can be implemented into schools and on college campuses as part of a regular curriculum to help combat the danger lurking amongst us. She is also a political activist and along with her husband, they successfully changed a portion of the laws in the State of Ohio that allowed this tragedy to occur. Phase one of the Reagan Tokes Act (Senate Bill 201) was signed into law on December 21, 2018-it allows for additional time to be added to sentences for incarcerated offenders who have demonstrated inappropriate conduct and inability to reform under current sentencing. They remain vigilant to get phase two (Senate Bill 133/House Bill 215) passed which address’s GPS ankle monitors being monitored in real time and parole officer case load reduction.
In addition to her philanthropic/political work, she is also currently the Chief Marketing Officer of Armorvue Window and Door, a company founded by her husband in the state of Florida in 2013. They have recently expanded and now own four locations in the state of Florida and one in the state of Ohio. She was recently awarded the Excalibur Award in the small business leader of the year category for Palm Beach County by the Sun Sentinel Media group-an award that recognizes executives for their commitment to innovation, company growth and civic activities. She was also recently featured for her efforts in Door and Window Market Magazine.
Rob Fletcher is a speaker, author, and instructor. Founder of the sdi7 Safety and Self Defense Program, and sdi7 HIIT Workouts (Self Defense in 7 Minutes High-Intensity Interval Training. Author of America’s Next Great Trainer Transform Your Life. He is a Black Belt, Self Defense, and Combative Tactics Expert, Civilian Response to Actives Shooter Events Instructor. Listed in the Who’s of Martial Arts. Inducted into the Masters Black Belt Hall of Fame and Recipient of the Joe Lewis PKA (Professional Kickboxing Association) Eternal Warrior Award. He has been featured on Good Morning America and in the NY Post. His lifelong passion, teaching and empowering others to live “positive, healthy, fit, confident, strong and safe”. Crime, violence, active shooters, rape and sexual assault will never go away. Rob says, safety and having the knowledge of how to protect yourself is not an option, its a necessity. It is our mission to empower, educate and raise awareness. Providing the information, knowledge, skills, and tools to prevent a potentially life-threatening encounter and how to survive one”