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EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Bill Seitz is one of the most important leaders in the Ohio State Government in his current role as House Majority Floor Leader of the Ohio House of Representatives. Long a friend of EmpowerU, Bill has spoken to us on subjects as diverse as Obscure Ohio Laws, Ohio Energy Policy, Education, Fiscal Policy and Ohio Government Mandates.
Tonight, Bill will host a “Crossfire” session on the Ohio Statehouse by talking to us about four important Ohio issues that are being discussed at the time of our session. Each of these four issues will be discussed for 15 minutes which will leave us time for extensive questions and answers. One of these issues sure to be discussed will be EdChoice and the Ohio voucher program for struggling schools.
Take advantage of the chance to ask Representative Seitz questions about other pressing issues in Ohio. This evening promises great fellowship and an opportunity to hear from our own “homegrown great orator” Representative Bill Seitz. In 2016, Columbus Monthly Magazine ranked Bill #1 out of 132 legislators as Ohio’s best speechmaker, most knowledgeable, and savviest lawmaker. Join the incredibly entertaining Bill Seitz as he discusses Ohio at EmpowerU.
A lifelong resident of Western Hamilton County, State Representative Bill Seitz has worked to represent the best interests of the Greater Cincinnati area at the Statehouse. Known for his colorful floor speeches and legal acumen, Seitz began his public service career as a member of the Cincinnati Board of Education and the St. Antoninus Parish Education Commission. He was twice elected Green Township Trustee, where he also served as President of the Hamilton County Township Association. He has never forgotten his local government roots.
Beginning in 2000, Seitz served in the Ohio House of Representatives for almost seven years. There, he rose through the ranks, serving as Majority Whip and Assistant Majority Whip and chair of the Civil and Commercial Law Committee. Seitz then went on to serve in the Ohio Senate from 2007 to 2016 before returning to the Ohio House where he is now serving the 30th House District in his second consecutive term. In the Senate, Seitz served as Chairman of the Public Utilities Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Government Oversight & Reform Committee. A fiscal conservative, Seitz is a champion of government efficiency. While others in Columbus talk about reducing the size of state government, Representative Seitz has put tangible ideas on the table, including now-enacted proposals that would reduce prison overcrowding and save the state hundreds of millions of dollars. A lawyer since 1978, he is currently of Counsel with Dinsmore and Shohl and for over ten years he has been listed in the Best Lawyers in America book.