Meet Parents, Teachers and Educators Who Tell You the Facts
This is a Virtual Class Only,
Price Winners: Michelle L, Constant Y, Rich F, Finn L … Congrats!
To Watch a Complete Recording of This Class — Click Here
To View Maureen Botos Slides RE: Olentangy School District — Click Here
To View Kim G’s Content Regarding Private Schools and Critical Race Theory–Click Here
To Watch Mark Raczynski’s Slides RE: American Excellence and History Click Here
To View Kirsten Hill’s Slide Presentation Click Here
Contact: Colleen Schitter: CincySchitters@gmail.com
Contact: Karen Burton : KarenSueBurton@cinci.rr.com
“We are corrupting kids’ souls” — Bob Frantz, The Authority 1420 AM
Critical Race Theory (CRT) holds that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans. –Brittanica
Since the Ohio State School Board passed the Resolution to Condemn Racism and Advance Equity in July 2020 under the cover of Covid-19, Critical Race Theory has started to spring up in schools all around the State. Tonight we will hear from Parents of Students that have seen CRT first hand and the wedge it creates by pitting students of different colors against each other. You will hear from Kara Molfetta, a Lakota Parent and what she found out about the school’s lesson plan one day when her son came home from school. You’ll learn about Dan’s lawsuit against the State Board of Education and what happened when the Board told Dan that he was not allowed to make any public comments about Race to the State of Ohio School Board.
Kara Molfetta
Federal Lawsuit Filed Against the State Board of Education
Meet Kirsten Hill, an elected member of the State Board of Education. Kirsten will fill you in on the background of the School Board and how the decision made by the Board has allowed Critical Race Theory to become more prevalent. Hear from researcher Tom Hagedorn who will take us through a short description of Marxism and the clear line between Marxism and Critical Race Theory. It’s a definition you need to be clear on. Meet Mark Raczynski an 8th grade American History teacher for the past 24 years on the importance of teaching History to our kids and his views on the Board of Education’s Resolution.
Kirsten Hill
Tom Hagedorn
Mark Raczynski
Learn about the large–6th largest in the State–Olentangy School District, with it’s 22,000 students and 4 Diversity Officers. Maureen Botos will talk to you about the length the School District has gone to indoctrinate children and their teachers. Including their choice of speakers hired by the district for “training”.
Maureen Botos
On this night we will also be joined by Karen Burton and Colleen Schitter who have lived in the King’s Local School District for 8 and 20 years. They will talk to us about the kids required reading list (does the name Ibram X. Kendi sound familiar?) and issues involved with concerns over curriculum.
Karen Burton and Colleen Schitter
More than anything tonight, EmpowerU wants to send you the clear message that Critical Race Theory is in Ohio now and you need to watch what is happening in your kids and grandkid’s schools.
Just added to the program, Kim Georgeton will discuss CRT and its evolution to Private Schools and the potential of this “Marxianity” moving into your churches. Hey we want to make sure you understand D.E.I. if it comes up in your school.
Kim Georgeton
The Governor of Ohio, ultimately has the ability to stop the Marxist Class Warfare of Critical Race Theory. We have reached out to Governor Mike DeWine and Lieutenant Jon Husted and asked one of them to make a comment at tonight’s session. To read the many, many resource articles on Critical Race Theory go to www.empoweruohio.org and choose the first tab at the top “Critical Race Theory” or click here.
Jack Windsor – is an Investigative Reporter for WMFD in Mansfield and the Managing Editor at The Ohio Star. During the first several months of Covid-19 Jack was the reporter who consistently asked Governor DeWine difficult questions. Jack joins EmpowerU from 7:05-7:15 PM to fill us in on his perspective of his work on Covid-19 and how he thinks Ohio has done with the pandemic. He’ll also give us an update on projects that he is currently working on.
Speakers Bio
Kirsten Hill was elected to the State Board of Education in November 2018, representing District 2. Her term began in January 2019 and expires in December 2022. Kirsten and her husband, Andy, operated her family’s year-round farm market in Lorain County for 25 years. She also ran a seasonal farm-tour business, hosting families and preschool through elementary classes for many years.
Kara Molfetta, is a Lakota Parent. Learn what she found out about her school’s lesson plan one day when her son came home from school. Kara has been instrumental in talking about CRT and sex education in schools and has helped mobilize people to help parents understand the real threat that is taking place.
Tom Hagedorn is a “professional student.” He loves reading, researching, and writing about many topics. In his college days, he co-published two papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. More recently, he published Founding Zealots: How Evangelicals Created America’s First Public Schools, 1783-1865.” He has taught classes at Xavier University and for the Osher Lifelong Living Institute (OLLI). He has enjoyed a career in financial services that spans five decades. He is married with two adult children and three grandchildren.
Mark Raczynski has been an 8th grade American History teacher for the past 24 years. He is also a proud veteran of the United States Marine Corps where he served as a tow missile operator in Desert Shield/Storm. He lives in rural Ashland County with his wife, Christi (also a teacher), and his three high school children, Joshua, Rebekah and Nathan. He is currently a member of the VFW and Medina Bible Church both located in Medina, Ohio.
Colleen Schitter has lived in the Kings Local School District in Warren County, Ohio for 20 years. She and her husband raised two children who attended public school, vocational school and a home-schooling cooperative. Colleen became a watch dog for the public schools when, while working on a bond issue, she discovered issues spanning campaign violations to concerns over curriculum. Her passion is advocating for the students and the community to obtain and maintain excellency in Kings Local.
Maureen Botos is a native Ohioan that moved to the Olentangy district from Missouri in March 2020. Her husband and three kids, 13, 11, and 6, moved to the district because they were told it was one of the best in the state near Columbus. After being in the district for just a few months, Maureen, a stay at home mother, noticed that the district was promoting many controversial views. While working with many like minded parents to open the schools full-time this Fall, she was shocked at what was actually being taught in the classrooms already. This prompted her, and many other parents to create a Facebook group to gather information, expose CRT to other parents, and organize a way to keep it out of the classroom. From this group, they are starting a non-profit called Olentangy For Students. This will allow the group to get messaging out to parents and also show parents how they can help to combat this racist ideology.
Karen Burton has lived in the Kings Local School District for 8 years. She raised two sons who are both husbands, fathers and productive members of society. One is an IT Manager at a Fortune 500 company, and the other is a research scientist at a National Laboratory. She recently became a voice for parents who are afraid to speak against Critical Race Theory when a friend shared her child’s struggle with a required reading assignment that vilified Christians, white people and the foundations of our country.
Kim Georgeton is a concerned parent of a ninth grade student at a local private Christian school in Cincinnati, Ohio. She has been following the cultural and societal developments over the last several months and has grave concerns about the future education of our youth. She has noticed changes in the “worldview” being force-fed into our society by the mainstream media, through governmental education policies with our very own tax dollars and even through a shift in the church that seeks to manipulate the minds of our next generation. She was born and raised in Cincinnati, OH, but has traveled the world.