Take 20: Leigh Ann Cartier--Want to Start Gardening But Don't Know Where to Start?
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
To Watch a Complete Recording of This Class-Click Here
Rick Gibbs Handout for EmpowerU–Click Here
Survival items — From Rick Gibbs
Supplies You May Need — From Rick Gibbs
To Contact Leigh Ann Cartier Regarding Plantings email: leighann@empoweruamerica.org
Visit Rick Gibbs’s future classes on May 19th and the 26th ( changed to not on the 12th) at Solid Rock Church, 903 N. Union Rd Lebanon, Ohio, its right there close to the Ohio Gaming place. Its starts at 6:00 pm sharp and will end at 7:45. Please bring writing material and any Questions you may have.
Rick Gibbs will be focusing on a program he teaches “Practical Preparedness” that shares a common sense approach for survival during many types of life situations including natural disasters and current events.
Specifics to be covered are simple and practical ideas for being prepared, in case of utility disruptions, or food shortages. Rick will stress the need to think about needed household items and being ready in case of an emergency situation. Always be planning ahead and have a back-up plan. Many of his suggested items are available locally, and may be necessary should a natural disaster or unexpected event disrupt our normal lives. He will be giving us a presentation with a handout on preparedness. Be sure to come to this one!
Gardening: Leigh Ann Cartier will discuss–Do you ever see the gardening section at the store full of seeds and plant starts and wonder “What’s the difference between all the different tomatoes or beans, etc.?” Confused on what to start growing? Do you want to start growing but have a small space? You can grow more than you think if you choose the right kind of variety for your situation. You can grow in containers if you are tight on space. There are more options than you think.
Speaker Bios:
Rick Gibbs is from Middletown, has been fascinated with American History since childhood. He enjoys teaching the young and old alike. Rick taught American History at Germantown Christian School and also teaches homeschoolers the importance of our American Heritage. His presentations on American History bring historical events to life – oftentimes through the attire and period items he includes in his talks. Rick is often asked to speak on the Constitution and The Declaration of Independence and their signers. He’s also known as an accomplished singer.
Leigh Ann Cartier- Leigh Ann grew up in Cincinnati and graduated from Wilmington College. She has a passion for gardening and has had her hands in the dirt ever since she was young. She is always trying new things in the garden and exploring new techniques for gardening. Leigh Ann has taught a prior EmpowerU class on getting started with gardening in the spring semester of 2021. Leigh Ann also helps produce classes for EmpowerU.