“Less government in business and more business in government”. A campaign promise by President Harding in the 1920’s.
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
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Required Reading: Ohio Senate Passes Education Department Overall –The Capital Journal — Click Here
This is a Virtual Only Class
The Harding Story: The story of President Harding, our 29th president, is not widely known. Harding has been relegated to a footnote of history, but he has a multi-faceted story which needs to be aired.
Warren G. Harding Presidential Sites Manager Sherry Hall will tell the fascinating story of his rise from humble beginnings to U.S. Senator and President. She will outline what he accomplished in his brief, 29-month presidency and what went wrong when his legacy took shape. An historian who specializes in the lives and times of Warren and Florence Harding, Hall is the author of the 2014 book, “Warren G. Harding and the Marion Daily Star: How Newspapering Shaped a President.”
Current News on Ohio Politics
Tom Zawistowski will join EmpowerU to discuss the problem with the Republican Party for people who consider themselves Republicans and vote Republican. We will discuss recent issues affecting the Ohio Republican Party and the National Republican Party and how together they affect our ability to have a Representative Government that will help restore our Constitution, the Rule of Law and protect our Individual Freedom, Liberty and Prosperity. Tom will be joining us from 7:10-7:30 PM.
Speaker’s Bio:
Sherry Hall has been site manager of the Warren G. Harding Presidential Sites in Marion, Ohio since 2009. Prior to that, she managed the education programs for the site for nine years. She also authored a video script about the Hardings, designed education programs about the Harding era for schoolchildren and adults, and has written numerous newspapers and magazine articles. Hall is a former journalist, working as a reporter and editor at The (Canton) Repository, Canton, Ohio; The Marion Star in Marion, Ohio; and the Alliance Review in Alliance, Ohio. She is a graduate of Heidelberg University and a native of Marion. She and her husband, Kevin, have two grown children, Brett a history teacher in Marion, and Tricia, a geologist in Bangor, Maine.
Tom Zawistowski- Tom, is the CEO and Founder, with his wife Nanette, of TRZ Communications, a 38 year old technology company based in Akron, Ohio. In 2009 he was one of the founders of the Portage County TEA Party, for which he became the Executive Director in 2010, a position he still holds.
In 2011, Tom was nominated by liberty leaders around the state to head a group of volunteers that was challenged with the task of putting on the first ever state convention for liberty minded citizens. His “We the People” Convention which was held at the Columbus Convention Center during the 4th of July weekend of 2011 was attended by over 1,000 Patriots.
He has been recognized as one of the top liberty group leaders in the nation for his efforts to defend the legal right of Liberty groups across the nation and he produces the popular We The People Convention Podcast which is Posted Every Friday at wethepeopleconvention.org.