Confused about the legality of carrying a firearm? Get Your Questions Answered.
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
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It is one thing to relax in the relative safety of your home, with a shotgun in the corner, or a handgun on your nightstand. It is an altogether different proposition to carry a firearm openly or concealed, on your person or in your motor vehicle outside of your home.
Guns on the Go, what you should know, must know, and can’t afford to miss about carrying a firearm outside of your home in Ohio. After this seminar, you will have a clear understanding related to carrying a firearm outside of the home in the State of Ohio.
Speaker Bio:
Sean Maloney: Sean is a licensed Ohio attorney with a firearms legal practice emphasizing Gun Rights, who practices in all areas of firearm-related law in both State and Federal Courts, including 2nd Amendment rights, Criminal Defense related to Federal and State firearms charges, Federal and State restoration of gun rights, National Firearm Act issues, Federal Firearms License representation, State lawsuits to enforce violations of Ohio’s preemption laws, and federal background Form 4473 NICS appeals. Sean is a criminal and civil firearms consultant and has appeared as an expert witness in a variety of civil lawsuits related to firearms. Sean is also a national speaker on topics related to the 2nd Amendment, self-defense, lethal force, and concealed carry.
Sean is a National Continuing Legal Education Speaker, educating Attorneys on topics related to State Firearms Law, Lethal Force and the Law, Legal Ethics related to Firearms Practice, Federal Title I & II Firearms, Firearms Dealers Licensing Requirements, Concealed Carry, Open Carry, Constitutional Carry of Firearms, the requirement of Federal Form 4473, and The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
In addition, he is a former member of the NRA Board of Directors, a member of the NRA ILA Speakers Bureau, NRA-ILA Frontlines Coordinator, NRA Golden Eagle Benefactor Life Member, Founder and Chairman of the Butler County Friends of Youth Shooting Sports Committee, a multi-discipline Certified NRA Firearms Instructor, Glock Armorer, Leader and Legal Counsel for Buckeye Firearms Association, Legislative Director of Buckeye Firearms Association, Director of Faculty Administrator Safety Training Emergency Response, F.A.S.T.E.R., (arming school personnel) in Ohio. Sean is a recipient of the NRA Jay M. Littlefield Memorial, for exceptional activism, Sean is a member of the NRA-Institute for Legislative Action, Hall of Fame.
Sean is also co-founder and Defense Attorney for Second Call Defense (www.SecondCallDefense.org), a national organization that provides complete legal protection for armed self-defense, with thousands of members in all fifty states. Second Call Defense provides immediate criminal defense and civil suit protection for members forced to use lethal force in self-defense. Second Call Defense provides access to all of the legal and financial protection members need to deal with police properly and defend members rights.