Daniel P. Regenold
July 7, 2022
Mr. Beryl Love, Executive Editor The Cincinnati Enquirer
312 Elm Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Dear Beryl,
A talented writer, Kevin Aldridge is not. There is so much cliché and junk in this attached “opinion” piece–Opinion: Push to ban critical race theory will foster division, not end it (to read click here)— it is hard for me not to respond. The Enquirer’s continual push of race into the public education system is short-sided and wrong. The harm you are doing to student’s that are being taught at a 28% proficiency rate will be long-lasting, and corrosive.
As Kevin’s boss, the best thing you could do is send him to “Get Smart’s” cone of silence for a few months, maybe send him to classifieds. He is just so over-absorbed with the color of his own skin that I think analysis of complex subjects is hard, if not impossible for him. He just can’t think about anything other than race—when there are so many other important things going on. Also, is his email broke?—he may need training on getting back to people…
A few examples of Kevin’s work is telling: 1) All of the great race grifters like Nicole Hannah Jones and Ibram X. Kendi have cancelled Martin Luther King and sent him off to pasture. It’s funny that whenever people like Kevin need a quote how quickly they can bring him back. MLK…he is just so passe.
2) Suggesting that parents who don’t want their kids indoctrinated are the catalyst to create the next gunman of Buffalo is radical. I wouldn’t say that about anyone.
3) “We (our kids) should feel the collective shame of our national’s original sin of enslaving people.” This is outrageous–is anyone at the Enquirer reading this crap? Finally, If you can’t improve Kevin’s work through peer review, or counseling, maybe you need to take Gannett’s advice and get out of the opinion business. Opinion is showing two sides to an issue, with some balance. You are doing the community no favors here with your work and your constant insertion of race into the already strained public education system.
Daniel P. Regenold
cc- –Kevin Aldridge
–Gannett Corporate Newspaper