The Current State of Censorship with Breitbart’s Alex Marlow

Can Free Speech Be Sustained After Trump Leaves Office?

EmpowerU Virtual Class
Tuesday, May 6, 2025

FBI Special Agent Elvis Chang’s 2022 testimony in the Missouri v. Biden case, along with Elon Musk’s release of the so-called “Twitter Files,” confirmed what many had suspected — that Executive branch departments, including the FBI, were colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans.

Source: New York Post

These groups censored two types of content — information and opinions deemed damaging to Biden’s 2020 candidacy, and information that contradicted the government’s narrative regarding COVID, the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, and the efficacy of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

President Trump has vowed to correct this injustice, and his administration is already taking action to do so.  For example, in February the Federal Trade Commission announced it is conducting a criminal investigation into this type of censorship, and it solicited reports of censorship from the public.  The Trump administration’s efforts surely will have an impact in the short term, but will Trump’s changes be sustained after Trump leaves office?

Alex Marlow, Editor-in-Chief at Breitbart News, returns to EmpowerU to discuss these issues.


Speaker Bio

Photo by Gage Skidmore.

Alex Marlow is the Editor in Chief of Breitbart News.  Alex befriended Andrew Breitbart in high school, and was Breitbart’s first employee, initially serving as Andrew Breitbart’s personal assistant.  He is the host of the flagship SiriusXM talk show, Breitbart News Daily. He is the author of Breaking the News.  Alex graduated from University of California at Berkeley.