The War of 1812

How Close the New Nation Came to Falling Apart...

EmpowerU Studio at Scarlet Oaks
300 Great Oaks Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45241
Thursday, April 24, 2025

You think the dissention between the current political parties is bad now?

Learn about the conflicts involving the Federalists and Republican parties which caused The War of 1812.  Imagine now if a state refused to send soldiers to a National War and if they did everything they could to impede the prosecution of that war.

Thomas Jefferson’s Republican Party and Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Party defined and jeopardized–the political life in the young Unites States.  The Federalists, although greatly outnumbered managed to subvert the policies of James Madison, the 4th President of the United States.   At almost every turn it was like we were almost fighting against ourselves.

The Star Spangled Banner Flag Flying at the Smithsonian

This class will tie together much of our Nation’s early history.   The War of 1812 was a local war between Canada (which was under British authority) and the US, as well as Great Britain and many of the Indian Tribes.   The war was a byproduct of the Napoleonic Wars which were fought mainly in Europe.  America had placed their bets on an overwhelming land victory while the British Army was busy fighting Napolean.

Washington D.C. Burns on August 24, 1814

With Britain competing for control of Europe, both sides understood the importance of disrupting the other’s supply sides.    America found itself being stuck right in the middle of important sea routes.   With Britain being the largest naval power of the world, was the new Republic in danger of losing its newfound independence?   What was the role of the Indian Tribes, and important strong was the great warrior and leader Tecumseh?   Much drama to be learned tonight including the background for our National Anthem and the Burning Down of Washington D.C.


Join us tonight as Dan will teach us about the political struggles that led to a situation that almost destroyed the Young Republic.

Speaker Bio:

Dan Regenold first became active in Government in 2003 when he became involved fighting Eminent Domain and helping stop it in Evendale and in Norwood, Ohio. In 2006, he was one of the founders of which successfully fought and stopped, by ballot initiative, a sales tax increase in Hamilton County, Ohio. Later WeDemand stopped Red Light Cameras in Hamilton County.   

Regenold spoke at the CPAC Convention in 2008 to discuss major Grassroots initiative actions across the United States.   In 2009, Dan was unsuccessful in his efforts to bring accountability to the Federal Government’s finances with a citizen lead initiative (the bill was introduced to the United States Congress).  In 2010 Regenold was one of three leaders of the initiative to End Ohio’s Estate Tax which happened in 2011. The Tax Foundation called the repeal of Ohio’s Estate Tax one of the most important Tax accomplishments of 2011. In 2011 Regenold founded (starting it’s 29th semester in Fall 2022), a Free University offered in the Greater Cincinnati area with the goal of “empowering” citizens. 

In 2014, Regenold was one of the leaders of the effort to separate Music Hall from a County Wide Sales Tax which helped the Museum Center renovation get passed by the voters of Hamilton County.   Dan has recently concentrated recent efforts on the mess of Public Education in Ohio and specifically on topics like School Choice and Critical Race Theory.   Similarly, Dan helped led an EmpowerU initiative to teach students about the history of our National Motto.

Dan is a lover of Liberty and enjoys speaking to EmpowerU classes about subjects he is passionate about.  Recently he has discussed:  Milton Friedman, Saul Alinsky, D-Day, The Debt and Deficit,  Public Education, Winston Churchill, President Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Sowell,  Sam Adams and Pearl Harbor at EmpowerU Classes.   Regenold is the retired founder and Chairman of, a Made-In-America picture frame manufacturing company.